Improved mood and motivation
Better sleep
Increase in lean muscle mass
Improved athletic performance
Weight loss
Improved libido
Improved sexual performance
Increased metabolism
Decreased recovery times
Contact the office via the website or by phone to start your journey.
RPM will schedule labs for you.
Once your lab results are available to our physicians, we will schedule you for a one-time face to face consultation in office. This is the only time you will need to be seen in the office. After this visit, you will be prescribed a tailored regimen which usually ships in only a few business days.
Every 20 weeks, you will be required to repeat lab work and then have a telehealth consultation with one of the physicians. This is necessary to renew your prescriptions.
Anytime during the process you can contact one of the physicians through the patient portal for questions or concerns.
Everyone is different. That being said, the first effects you will feel are psychological. Usually within the first 2-4 weeks you will feel improvements in mood and motivation. By the week 4 to 16 you will notice physical and sexual improvements. By month 6-12 you should start feeling a consistent sense of well-being.
For men, you will notice an increase in acne and oily skin. Usually after the first year, this will resolve. If you are prone to balding, then Testosterone Optimization Therapy (TOT) may accelerate the process. You may notice testicular atrophy and decrease in fertility. We can use certain medications tailored to your therapy to help reduce this effect.
Sometimes. For most men, this is not a concern as they reach their 30’s, 40’s and beyond. By this age most men are no longer seeking to have more children. Testosterone Optimization Therapy (TOT) will cause natural testosterone to lower and will affect fertility. Your RPM physician will help tailor therapy to your individual needs through various medications to improve fertility when trying to conceive.
We are the product of our environment. Decades of eating processed foods, high stress and sedentary living have led to a steady decline in average testosterone levels in again men. Men were not biologically designed to eat fast food and sit at a desk all day. Most men will begin to experience the symptoms of low testosterone at some point in their 30’s.
Most likely. The biggest factor in losing weight is you. Testosterone Optimization Therapy (TOT) alone will not cause many physical improvements. It needs to be incorporated into a lifestyle of healthy eating, good sleep, low stress and regular exercise. If you are practicing these healthy habits, Testosterone Optimization Therapy (TOT) will accelerate your muscle gains, improve your sleep and give you the drive to go to the gym. As part of a balanced lifestyle, yes, you will lose weight.
RPM seeks to treat Andropause and the effects of aging. The goal is to achieve a natural balance and healthy sense of physical and mental well-being. That being said, we are NOT the ideal system for someone solely looking to gain muscle.
There are numerous studies demonstrating the safety of properly managed testosterone therapy. Optimizing testosterone improves overall health and blunts the deleterious effects of aging. Physician-directed care along with a healthy lifestyle can promote longevity and quality of life as we age.
Testosterone has the ability to help mitigate the effects of menopause. RPM is currently working on offering this service to appropriate female patients. Coming Soon!